Sabhan Adam: Born in Al-Hasakah 19/01/73 - A well known Plastic artist

Adam is a self- made plastic artist who built his career depending on his own effort. He started from his country and headed to enter the plastic art world, and today his art became an independent school that has its own Orwellian nature and his art works are shown in the most important museums and deep-routed galleries.
His colored characters are formed in a violent way that indicates to a deep rebel psychologies that exceeded the entire impressionist and pictorial school techniques, which sometimes fail to express themselves.
“I look after my works very gently more than parents to their children, and in spite of the mystery and the marginal of these works, I call them the isolation entities” Sabhan Adam says.
“My paintings and experience are greater and more important than to be explained or connected with a land or an ideological idea, or even to be called paintings.
My paintings are much more important than to be owned by a person or a VIP, or even to be exhibited in international museums, institutes or galleries, or to be sold in auctions or criticized in a negative or positive way.”He assures.
Sabhan Adam emphasizes that his human creations are attached to the pain, fear and phobia which our society constantly suffers from.
His pioneer art experience was an inspiration for lots of his generation and subsequent generations of artists who inspired from his rebel works a lot. Many of them where followers and the others were imitators from all over the world.
The dramatic impact of the work of Sabhan Adam has changed the Arab art path and history clearly, and transformed it from path to another .So, this art became an elitist work which can be felt by elites and simple people also. And that made him a unique and unrepeated person who was able to be a pioneer in his field that his achievements cannot be reached either in creating values, evolution or quantity.
His works are marked with honesty so far from falseness, allegation and black hearts. It is hard to abstract his experience in neither words nor sentences no matter what they are, because the truth is that he is bigger and greater than to be illustrated or explained, and we can say that justice requires taking our hats off to Sabhan Adam always.
His painting method differs between skepticism and humor, pain and despotism which we can call it “an explosion inside the Arabic and international art”
“O Adam drive me away from Adam” we canal most listen to this voice going out from Sabhan's paintings when we look at them because The artist doesn’t depict the human face as in the verse of the holy Koran:“the best stature”, butthis face comes from the womb of nature in its initial primitivism, on the contrary of the “beauty” of mind and law at the same time.
The human being seems to be searching for himself in his paintings and wondering: “is it me who I am?” for the features are mixed with inhuman ones; distorted from their nature, and this distortion has a special aesthetic that is reflected in the protest, incitement, mutiny, and rebellion and is also expressed in the organic mixture between drawing and life. Painting is life; and the ego is a human and zoological entity, and this combination convulses the identity borders of the painting from one side, and creates a new strength that exceeds the usual human strength from the other one.
Sabhan Adam works show crowds and masses of human monsters regain the human penitence in all its psychological stages. His shapes and normal items get rid of their local prison to strangle in the prison of absurd existence, it’s as if that the dramatic space in its wideness is trapped by a jar of repression, and spiritual noise.
The upcoming art in the twenty-first century will be “the transcend art” and for that the artist must be unique, rebel and has his own character that shows within this unlimited field, and this is what we can find in Sabhan Adam's paintings.
Adam's art experience- who constitutes a distinct and special phenomenon in the plastic art - glowed after the nineties as one of the most important artists of post-modernism, and now he works in an independent foundation that he directs personally and publish esluxurious art books about his paintings with self funding.
In spite of his strong existence in the Arabic and international plastic art field, he doesn’t acquiesce for any standards in marketing his work, instead he imposes what he has in a streamlined way as flexible as water which made the Selling movement for his work so vivid that more than 90% of his production is not pictured because it's requested immediately after being painted. Recently, his paintings are sold directly to customers and for those who are interested in art industry and art collectors in addition to galleries, and most of his paintings are sold indistinctive and unique deals that reflect the other capabilities and non-artistic qualifications of the artist as well.
1. Solo Exhibitions:
- Polad-Hardouin Gallery-Paris –France 2014
- Nicole Evin Gallery -France 2014
- Art Talk Gallery - Egypt 2014
- Mark Hashim Gallery-Lebanon 2012
- Mark Hashim Gallery-Paris (France) 2012
- Mark Hashim Gallery-New York 2012
- Zara Gallery-Jordan 2011
- Sotheby Gallery- London 2011
- International Venice Biennale- Venice 2011
- British National Museum-UK 2011
- Mark Hashim Gallery-Lebanon 2011
- Tilal Gallery-Kuwait 2011
- George Kamel Gallery-Damascus (Syria) 2011
- Mark Hashim Gallery-Paris (France) 2011
- Mark Hashim Gallery-New York 2011
- Zara Gallery- Jordan 2010
- Christie's – Dubai 2010
- 2CarGarage Contemporary Art Gallery-USA 2009
- Galerie kreo-Paris (France) 2009
- London Gallery-UK 2009
- Uffizi Gallery –Florence (Italy) 2009
- Dimensions Gallery- USA 2009
- Arab World Institute –Paris –France 2009
- G.K Gallery –Damascus- Syria 2008
- Saeb Eigner –London 2008
- Le Rat Mort Gallery –Brussel-Belgium 2008
- Art Holber, Portugal 2008
- Mezze Art, new York 2008
- Gavine Morris Gallery, New York-USA 2008
- Cherfan Gallery 2008
- Janine Rubeiz, Beiruit -Lebanon 2008
- Mattis Gallery, Morocco 2008
- Art House Gallery, Damascus –Syria 2008
- Le Violon Bleu-London –UK 2008
- French Cultural Centre, Damascus -Syria 2008
- Polad-Hardouin Gallery-Paris –France 2008
- Art space-(Dubai) 2008
- Art-House –Damascus-Syria 2008
- XVA-Galerie Dubai –UAE 2007
- Musees des beaux-art du Mans Paris-France 2007
- Galerie idees d’artists Paris –France 2007
- Galerie Meyer le Bihan Paris- France 2007
- Espace cultural Andre Marlaux Paris-France 2007
- Foresight – Galerie Amman –Jordanie 2007
- Galerie Fallet. Geneve-Suisse 2006
- Galerie Mathias Beck. Hambourg. Allemagne 2006
- Home Art, Perros-Guirec. France 2006
- Chapelle Sainte –Anne. Tours. France 2006
- Art Space. Dubai-AUE 2006
- Galerie Karim Francis-Cairo-Egypt 2006
- Centre cultural Anre Marlaux Le Kremline-Bicetre (France) 2005
- Galerie idees d’artists –Paris (France) 2005
- Cabinet Rouer, Bernard. Bretout et Yearlings Corporate Finance Paris (France). 2005
- Chocolateris du Kremline –Bicetre (France) 2005
- Escape SD –Beyrouth (Liban) 2004
- Galerie Zara –Amman (Jordanie) 2004
- Galerie Daniel Duchoze –Rouen (France) 2004
- Galerie Artimis Tunis (Tunisie) 2004
- Galerie Off-Ample-arcelone (Espagne) 2004
- Phyllis Kind Gallery-New York –USA 2004
- “La Comedie humaine”- Galerie idees d’artists –Paris (France). 2003
- “One man show”- Mediatheque Francois Mitterrand –Les Ulis (France) 2003
- Centre cultural francais-Damascus (Syria) 2003
- Galerie Agial –Beyrouth (Liban) 2002
- Galerie Zara –Amman (Jordanie) 2002
- Centre cultural francais-Damascus (Syria) 2002
- Artium du Faubourg –Tripoli (Liban) 2002
- Maison cultural Francais –Beyrouth –Liban 2002
- Galerie Commines –Paris (France) 2002
- Centre cultural Francais –Damas (Syria) 2001
- Galerie Orient –Amman (Jordanie) 2000
- Espace de Lille –Nice (Franance) 1999
- Galerie Cite internationale des Arts –Paris (France) 1999
- Galerie Transversale –Paris (France) 1999
- Le pont Gallery Aleepo –Syria 1999
- Hotel Cham –Place –Alep (Syria) 1998
- Galerie Bruno Frey –Dijon (France) 1998
- Centre cultural francais –Damas (Syria) 1996
- Centre Cervantes –Damas (Syria) 1995
- Centre cultural francais-Damas (Syria) 1995
- Le pont Gallery –Aleppo –Syria 1995
- Galerie Agial –Beyrouth (Liban) 1995
- Institute Goethe –Damas (Syria) 1994
2. Collective Exhibitions:
- Le Zebre bleu 2008
- Chelsea Art Galleries 2008
- Middle East –Opera Gallery. Paris, New York, Miami & Singapore. 2008
- Kunstaspekte-Kunst Internationnal. 2008
- Gallerie del Leon 2008
- Kunsasss –Kunst Internationnal 2008
- Gallerie del Leon 2008
- Kunstler auf Artnet 2008
- Art Galleries in new Bond Street, London. 2008
- Saudi Aramco world. 2008
- Time out Beirut Gallery. 2008
- NYAB Event Exhibition. 2008
- Art in The City (Tunisia) 2008
- Palm beach Museum USA 2008
- Museum Frankfurt-Germany "Arab Festival" 2006
- Rencontres "A3-art"-Paris (France) 2005
- Solan de Mai-Paris (|France) 2005
- "Desire brusts"-Les Ulis (France) 2004
- "Outside Art Fair"-Phyllis Kind Gallery New York (Etats-Unis) 2004
- Festival Art & Dechirure –Rouen (France) 2004
- Art Paris – Gallerie idees d'artistes-France. 2004
- Salon d' Angers- Paris- France 2003